Progress update, January 2023

3 min readJan 24, 2023


Happy new year!
Even though we had a couple of days off, we have been very busy.

We’re closing in on the application release and we’re really happy to see everything comes together nicely. Next up is the settings part and we know a lot of community members have asked several questions around this topic. We’re looking forward to including the community in this.

The mobile application has been updated with VR & collectibles (NFTs, FTs, coupons etc). After settings are termined, we’re looking to release the first version through the Pioneer backend. This gives us the opportunity to force app version updates and develop together with our amazing community.

Pioneer backend

The Pioneer backend goes live before the weekend! This is a early version, but enables Pioneers (land plot holders) to add titles, pictures, descriptions and tags to their land plots. The Pioneer backend isn’t just where Pioneers edit their land plots, but will work as a communication hub between Pioneers and the team. An update including a chat system (behind wallet connector) with Pioneers and team members is already in the works. This update will also include a voting system so Pioneers can vote over important decisions.

We’re eager to get feedback so we can include bug fixes or other suggestions in the next update. Head over to our Discord and become a part of our community!


The application is coming along nicely and these screens show collectible views and NFT-view. The image to the right shows how a land plot is displayed in the mobile app.

The mobile application will be added to the Pioneer backend when the first version is ready to be tested. Together with the upcoming voting mechanism and the chat system, we hope to create a streamlined system where we don’t only receive feedback, but can also actively discuss with our community.

We also want to thanks APX for the great support the last months. We’re excited over the connections and upcoming new partners that will make the ecosystem come together.

GeniusX Multi-Token ISPO
The multi-token ISPO has ended and our CEO, Björn Heinze is in contact with Genius X for next steps. Regarding token claims etc. which are organized through Maestro, there will be more news about this shortly.

SingularityNET Deep Funding
Smart Places currently have an application in SingularityNET’s deep funding. If you’re part of the SingularityNET and $AGIX community, please have a look, add comments or vote on our proposal.







Pioneer program:




Written by SmartPlaces

SocialFi - done right! | SmartPlaces is a social ecosystem based on geolocation that rewards users for connecting and interacting. |

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